Thursday 19 April 2012

Reflections on the Issue

Physical common space, which refers to public facilities that create opportunities for interaction between different races, are not always effective. Any physical common space will only be effective when people step up to make use of the opportunities created. This limitation will always exist because there are always people who are unaware of what is going on around them or people who are not interested. Thus, reaching out to such people and arousing interest in them is the key to effective common space. For this, there must be effective publicity.  From what I observed, events that take place at the library and Northwest CDC are only publicised within their space. So, those who do not visit such places will never realise what happens there. Thus, by putting up effective advertisements outside the Woodlands Civic Centre, everyone who goes into the centre itself will know that such events are taking place and may take part in them. Thus, this suggestion will lead to an effective common space.  However, there will still be people who say that they are too busy for such events and are just not interested. Even with impactful advertisements, these people may not be easily influenced to take part. My suggestion thus may not be the best in ensuring that everyone makes use of the opportunities for interaction but is effective in ensuring that the majority are aware.

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